I wonder where we would be without acronyms; probably using more ink but perhaps better informed. The acronym of the moment has been, of course, COP26 – the trendy acronym for the United Nations (UN) climate change conference, recently held in Glasgow. It was the 26th annual UN 'Conference of Parties' which began in Berlin in 1995. In simple terms. the purpose of the series of conferences has been to collectively agree on the actions required to limit the impact of climate change. Cynics have suggested that the empty promises resulting from past conferences have exacerbated, rather than reduced, the 'hot air' problem. However, in the wake of the global and existential threat that is COVID-19, the global community is awakening to the reality that a collective response is the only way to deal with a truly global threat. Retreating to 'your corner' when you live on a sphere doesn't really work! The Glasgow conference set a number of objectives, but it i...