Investment Insight | Interest rate risks

Many investors are worried that another share market crash is just around the corner, and this prevents them from taking the step of investing at least a portion of their savings into the share market. While sudden declines are risks that need to be faced occasionally in investment markets, they are less frequent than many anticipate. What investors should be worried about is a more real and pressing risk lurking in assets they see as being low-risk. This is the impact of increasing interest rates, which will cause a slow but prolonged decline in the value of most bonds. The sudden global shutdown in March and April 2020 saw governments announce record recovery packages and some of the largest budget deficits since World War II. At the same time central banks slashed interest rates to zero. These actions aimed to support economies and encourage growth, and while the pandemic has continued for longer than many had envisaged, these actions have had the desired effect. Ec...