Investment Insight | Responding to inflation

The Inflation Category fulfills an important role in the investment solutions that NZ Funds offers to clients. At their heart, Inflation Category portfolios are, as the name suggests, looking to achieve a return that grows clients’ capital at the rate of inflation or better. Given this goal, a mix of asset classes are required. An allocation to growth assets such as shares is needed to generate returns that can be expected to be consistently ahead of inflation. However, these portfolios are not intended to experience the ups and downs that pure growth portfolios, such as those which invest fully in shares, do. As a result, a percentage of Inflation Category portfolios have been invested in less volatile income assets such as bonds. Bonds are more stable investments, but the trade-off is that they offer a lower rate of return than shares. Given the goal of beating inflation, income assets utilised in Inflation Category portfolios have targeted bonds that genera...