Have a strategy when the jitters hit

A key task for a Financial Planner is to help clients with investment discipline. The discipline to stick with a strategy when the only thing wrong with it is that markets aren’t providing the positive returns wanted. Studies have clearly demonstrated the propensity for investors to lock in negative or inferior returns because short term volatility encourages them that they need to act. Perhaps to escape back to cash in case markets get worse, or alternatively to chase an alternative investment choice which isn’t currently experiencing negative returns. Not yet. In reality I don’t need a formal study to know that this happens – there is plenty of anecdotal evidence in our own community to support the proposition. Ultimately it’s an outcome of being human and an inherent difficulty in staying committed to the longer term. We react to what is in front of us. Which is ironic when likely the financial plan has a focus on accumulating to age 65 (lets assume that is several years or mor...