Interesting parallels between fitness and money management

Apparently, our ability to see patterns is one of the mental ‘shortcuts’ that evolution has imprinted upon our brains. It may be for this reason that during a recent and very overdue return to my exercise regime that I ended up reflecting on the parallels between fitness and money management. In our largely sedentary world, fitness is not a natural state. For most of us it takes ongoing work and determination to stay fit; the same can be said for money management. We live in a world where incessant advertising can easily have our money spent even before we have earned it. Understanding this and developing protective habits to help us be good with our money is essential. Strategies such as ‘pay yourself first’ by having savings deducted directly from your earnings before you can spend them are really helpful. Other habits like establishing separate accounts for short, medium and long-term goals seem simple but can make a big difference to our investment be...