NZ Funds KiwiSaver Scheme posts strong in Q1, but warns against performance chasing

The NZ Funds KiwiSaver Scheme Growth Strategy was one of top performing funds in New Zealand in the first quarter of 2019. 1 NZ Funds’ 0-55 year old KiwiSaver member asset allocation was close behind. Newly appointed Chief Investment Officer, James Grigor, says NZ Funds’ success was driven by the structural makeup of its KiwiSaver Scheme and NZ Funds’ partnership with a small number of world class investment managers. “On the advice of the global investment experts we partner with, we used the selloff last year to add to a number of positions which have paid off handsomely in 2019.” “In general, volatility benefits our clients because it gives us and the managers we work with more opportunity to add value on clients’ behalf.” Grigor says approximately two thirds of NZ Funds KiwiSaver Scheme Growth Strategy is passively invested and one third is actively invested. “We are style agnostic; we believe there are strengths and weaknesses to both active and passive management, so ...